Transforming Businesses and Managing Risk

OTECyber's Services extend your team and unifies an organization's security strategies to accelerate business transformation.

Our Approach

Welcome to OTECyber

We employ a consultative approach to identify gaps, vulnerabilities, ransomware and all other cyber security attacks.  We provide a roadmap that includes a thorough project plan with timelines, milestones, cost analysis, and a precise schedule to ensure the best protection available. Our team is readily available over phone/email and will always respond immediately.

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20+ Years Experience


OTECyber Services

Accelerate your business innovation and manage risk. OTECyber protects you with Cybersecurity assessments and comprehensive security strategies, helps detect and respond to nefarious threats, strengthens your organization's security posture and safeguards your company's revenue and reputation from malicious actors.